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Portmeirion Pomona Canister WILMOTS EARLY RED GOOSEBERRY 5 InchPortmeirion Pomona Canister WILMOTS EARLY RED GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch
Portmeirion Kew Magnolia PLATTER Large 15 InchPortmeirion Kew Magnolia PLATTER Large 15 Inch
Portmeirion Botanic Garden BONSAI GROWING KIT Very Unique!Portmeirion Botanic Garden BONSAI GROWING KIT Very Unique!
Portmeirion Pomona Canister BIGGERRAUX CHERRY Large 8 Inch-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Canister BIGGERRAUX CHERRY Large 8 Inch-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Ceramic Lid Jar CITRON - IRISPortmeirion Botanic Garden Ceramic Lid Jar CITRON - IRIS
Don Roth Blackhawk LAST SPIN Champagne Flute PairDon Roth Blackhawk LAST SPIN Champagne Flute Pair
Portmeirion Pomona Canister PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR Large 8 Inch-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Canister PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR Large 8 Inch-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate CYCLAMEN Different!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate CYCLAMEN Different!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Trivet Cork Back 6 Inch COLUMBINEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Trivet Cork Back 6 Inch COLUMBINE
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser STAFFORDSHIRE CREAM JUGPortmeirion Welsh Dresser STAFFORDSHIRE CREAM JUG
Portmeirion Pomona Sifter Or Shaker RED CURRANTPortmeirion Pomona Sifter Or Shaker RED CURRANT
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate CYCLAMEN Unique ID MarkPortmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate CYCLAMEN Unique ID Mark
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Baker Oval 19 Inch AUSTRIAN LILYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Baker Oval 19 Inch AUSTRIAN LILY
Portmeirion Birds Of Britain Ceramic Lidded Canister WILLOW WARBPortmeirion Birds Of Britain Ceramic Lidded Canister WILLOW WARB
Portmeirion Pomona Romantic Tea Cup Set TEINTON SQUASH PEAR 7ozPortmeirion Pomona Romantic Tea Cup Set TEINTON SQUASH PEAR 7oz
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Crescent Dish COTTON FLOWERPortmeirion Botanic Garden Crescent Dish COTTON FLOWER
Portmeirion Pomona Salad Bowl GRIMWOODS PEACH 9 Inch w HAZEL NUT-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Salad Bowl GRIMWOODS PEACH 9 Inch w HAZEL NUT-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Tea Towel RAISIN DE CARMES Cotton RAREPortmeirion Pomona Tea Towel RAISIN DE CARMES Cotton RARE
Portmeirion Birds Of Britain Pin Dish GOLDFINCH - MintPortmeirion Birds Of Britain Pin Dish GOLDFINCH - Mint
Portmeirion Pomona Tumbler Cup 10oz ELSANTA STRAWBERRY-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Tumbler Cup 10oz ELSANTA STRAWBERRY-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Romantic Tea Cup Set QUEEN OF SHEBA 7ozPortmeirion Pomona Romantic Tea Cup Set QUEEN OF SHEBA 7oz
Portmeirion Pomona Traditional Tea Cup Set TEINTON SQUASH PEARPortmeirion Pomona Traditional Tea Cup Set TEINTON SQUASH PEAR
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Bell FORGET ME NOT -No Year-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Bell FORGET ME NOT -No Year-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish CYCLAMEN - New VersionPortmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish CYCLAMEN - New Version
Portmeirion Birds Of Britain Rolling Pin SIX BIRDSPortmeirion Birds Of Britain Rolling Pin SIX BIRDS
Portmeirion Pomona TiSane Tea Set w RED CURRANT - RARE!Portmeirion Pomona TiSane Tea Set w RED CURRANT - RARE!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish MILKWORT Retired FlowerPortmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish MILKWORT Retired Flower
Portmeirion Pomona Lidded Jam Pot RED CURRANT And PIPPIN APPLE-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Lidded Jam Pot RED CURRANT And PIPPIN APPLE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate BINDWEED Orig VersionPortmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate BINDWEED Orig Version
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate HONEYSUCKLE - Modern ID-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate HONEYSUCKLE - Modern ID-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Tray 5 Inch Square BIGGERRAUX CHERRYPortmeirion Pomona Tray 5 Inch Square BIGGERRAUX CHERRY
Portmeirion Pomona Romantic Tea Cup Set WILMOTS EARLY RED 7ozPortmeirion Pomona Romantic Tea Cup Set WILMOTS EARLY RED 7oz
Portmeirion Pomona Traditional Coffee Cup Set TEINTON PEAR-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Traditional Coffee Cup Set TEINTON PEAR-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Set Of 6 BLACK GROUND - RarePortmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Set Of 6 BLACK GROUND - Rare
Portmeirion Pomona Salad Plate RED CURRANTPortmeirion Pomona Salad Plate RED CURRANT
Portmeirion Pomona Romantic Tea Cup Set RED CURRANT 7ozPortmeirion Pomona Romantic Tea Cup Set RED CURRANT 7oz
Portmeirion Pomona Napkin Ring FRUIT GARLANDPortmeirion Pomona Napkin Ring FRUIT GARLAND
Portmeirion Pomona Melamine Casserole Stand 11 By 8 RED CURRANTPortmeirion Pomona Melamine Casserole Stand 11 By 8 RED CURRANT
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate COLUMBINE Orig VersPortmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate COLUMBINE Orig Vers
Portmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot Large VICTORIAN TEA TABLEPortmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot Large VICTORIAN TEA TABLE
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup Tall Shape FRUIT GARLANDPortmeirion Pomona Egg Cup Tall Shape FRUIT GARLAND
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate LILAC BorderlessPortmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate LILAC Borderless
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Ceramic Lid Jar CYCLAMEN HEARTSEASE-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Ceramic Lid Jar CYCLAMEN HEARTSEASE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Oval Platter 11 Inch HOARY MORNING APPLE-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Oval Platter 11 Inch HOARY MORNING APPLE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Starfire Jade Cream PITCHER 12oz SOLD!Portmeirion Starfire Jade Cream PITCHER 12oz SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Cream Jug Or Pitcher ROMAN APRICOTPortmeirion Pomona Cream Jug Or Pitcher ROMAN APRICOT
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Trivet Melamine 9 X 8 Inch PRIMROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Trivet Melamine 9 X 8 Inch PRIMROSE
Portmeirion Pomona Sugar Bowl QUEEN OF SHEBA Plus 2 More RetiredPortmeirion Pomona Sugar Bowl QUEEN OF SHEBA Plus 2 More Retired
Portmeirion Seasons Leaves JUG 1.75 Pint Mandarin ShapePortmeirion Seasons Leaves JUG 1.75 Pint Mandarin Shape
Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish ROMAN APRICOT-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish ROMAN APRICOT-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Drainer Set FOUR FRUITS Garland Rim-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Drainer Set FOUR FRUITS Garland Rim-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Teapot 1.75 Pint BLUE PRIMROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Teapot 1.75 Pint BLUE PRIMROSE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Apron 100% Cotton SUMMER GARLANDPortmeirion Botanic Garden Apron 100% Cotton SUMMER GARLAND
Portmeirion Pomona Open Drum Shape Bowl FIVE RETIRED FRUITSPortmeirion Pomona Open Drum Shape Bowl FIVE RETIRED FRUITS
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat 18 X 13 Cloth PASSION FLOWERPortmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat 18 X 13 Cloth PASSION FLOWER
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Thick 4 Inch HEARTSEASEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Thick 4 Inch HEARTSEASE
Portmeirion Pomona Flan Dish 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN ApplePortmeirion Pomona Flan Dish 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN Apple

Sub-Total: $3,096.00

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