ALL Pomona

Here is our list of all Portmeirion Pomona dinnerware, tableware, and accessories we have for sale.  Most of our plates have no border and carry retired fruits.  We also have many other Pomona dishes for sale and are happy to take requests or questions!
Portmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot Large VICTORIAN TEA TABLE
Portmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot Large VICTORIAN TEA TABLE
Excellent Rare And Complex Large CARDEW Pomona Victorian Tea Table Teapot By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate BIGGERRAUX CHERRY
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate BIGGERRAUX CHERRY
Mint No Border Pomona BIGGERRAUX CHERRY Bread And Butter Plate By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple Accen
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple Accen
Retired Pomona L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Bread And Butter Plate By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Canister CERAMIC LIDDED CANISTER 5 Inch RARE!
Portmeirion Pomona Canister CERAMIC LIDDED CANISTER 5 Inch RARE!
Very Rare Pomona WILMOTS RED GOOSEBERRY And LIMPERATRICE PLUM text Inch Ceramic Lid Canister By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Canister QUEEN OF SHEBA GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch
Portmeirion Pomona Canister QUEEN OF SHEBA GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch
Extremely Rare And Excellent Pomona QUEEN OF SHEBA GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch Canister By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Canister WHITE DUTCH CURRANT 7 Inch - RARE!
Portmeirion Pomona Canister WHITE DUTCH CURRANT 7 Inch - RARE!
Very Rare And Minty Pomona 7 Inch WHITE DUTCH CURRANT Canister By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Canister WILMOTS EARLY RED GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch
Portmeirion Pomona Canister WILMOTS EARLY RED GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch
Very Rare And Mint Pomona WILMOTS EARLY RED GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch Canister By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Clock PIPPIN And HOARY APPLE - Works!
Portmeirion Pomona Clock PIPPIN And HOARY APPLE - Works!
Unusual Working Pomona Clock With PIPPIN APPLE, HOARY APPLE, And GRIMWOODS PEACH By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Cream Jug Or Pitcher ROMAN APRICOT
Portmeirion Pomona Cream Jug Or Pitcher ROMAN APRICOT
New Pomona ROMAN APRICOT Romantic Shape Cream Jug Or Pitcher By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Cup And Saucer Set Of Four RARE WILMOTS RED
Portmeirion Pomona Cup And Saucer Set Of Four RARE WILMOTS RED
Hard To Find And Retired Fruits Small Portmeirion Pomona Set Of Four Cups and Saucers
Portmeirion Pomona Cup And Saucer Set Of Six BOTH GOOSEBERRIES
Portmeirion Pomona Cup And Saucer Set Of Six BOTH GOOSEBERRIES
Rare And Retired Fruits Small Portmeirion Pomona Set Of Six Cups and Saucers
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup Tall Shape FRUIT GARLAND
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup Tall Shape FRUIT GARLAND
Retired Frutis On Mint Pomona Retired Egg Cup With Several Small Fruits By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup WILMOTS And SHEBA Gooseberry
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup WILMOTS And SHEBA Gooseberry
Retired Hard To Find Pomona WILMOTS EARLY RED And QUEEN OF SHEBA Flat Egg Cup By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup WILMOTS And SHEBA Gooseberry MINT
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup WILMOTS And SHEBA Gooseberry MINT
Retired Hard To Find Pomona WILMOTS EARLY RED And QUEEN OF SHEBA Flat Egg Cup By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Flan Dish 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN Apple
Portmeirion Pomona Flan Dish 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN Apple
Excellent 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN Yellow Apple Pomona Flan Dish By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch HAZEL NUT - Rare!
Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch HAZEL NUT - Rare!
Very Rare And Minty Pomona HAZEL NUT 5.5 Inch Fruit Bowl By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch WILMOTS GOOSEBERRY
Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch WILMOTS GOOSEBERRY
Retired And Near Mint Pomona WILMOTS EARLY RED GOOSEBERRY 5.5 Inch Fruit Bowl By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Low Bowl 13 Inch AMICUA MELON - RARE!
Portmeirion Pomona Low Bowl 13 Inch AMICUA MELON - RARE!
Rarest Pomona AMICUA MELON 13 Inch Low Bowl By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Melamine Casserole Stand 11 By 8 RED CURRANT
Portmeirion Pomona Melamine Casserole Stand 11 By 8 RED CURRANT
Nice Retired Pomona RED CURRANT 11 By 8 Inch Oval Melamine Casserole Stand By Portmeirion
Portmeirion Pomona Mocha Cup Set RED CURRANT 3.5oz
Portmeirion Pomona Mocha Cup Set RED CURRANT 3.5oz
Popular And Retired Pomona RED CURRANT Demitasse Or Expresso Set By Portmeirion
Displaying 1 to 20 (of 129 products)