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SOLD Botanic Garden Vase Serif 9 Inch AFRICAN DAISYSOLD Botanic Garden Vase Serif 9 Inch AFRICAN DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 8 Inch MEXICAN LILYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 8 Inch MEXICAN LILY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 7 Inch COLUMBINEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 7 Inch COLUMBINE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Tuscany 7 Inch BINDWEED CYCLAMENPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Tuscany 7 Inch BINDWEED CYCLAMEN
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Serif 11 Inch WHITE CISTUSPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Serif 11 Inch WHITE CISTUS
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Tulip 11 Inch MAGNOLIAPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Tulip 11 Inch MAGNOLIA
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 7 Inch HYACINTHPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 7 Inch HYACINTH
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Four Squarel 5 Inch SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Four Squarel 5 Inch SPEEDWELL
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Lidded Sugar Pot DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Lidded Sugar Pot DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Bell FORGET ME NOT Woman's DayPortmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Bell FORGET ME NOT Woman's Day
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate COLUMBINE Orig VersPortmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate COLUMBINE Orig Vers
Portmeirion Botanic Garden BLUE TEA SET Teapot, Sugar, And Cream-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden BLUE TEA SET Teapot, Sugar, And Cream-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Ceramic Lid Jar CITRON - IRISPortmeirion Botanic Garden Ceramic Lid Jar CITRON - IRIS
Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch HOARY MORNING APPLE A-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch HOARY MORNING APPLE A-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Double Oven Mitt DOG ROSE NewPortmeirion Botanic Garden Double Oven Mitt DOG ROSE New
Portmeirion Pomona Cream Jug Or Pitcher ROMAN APRICOTPortmeirion Pomona Cream Jug Or Pitcher ROMAN APRICOT
Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish REINE CLAUDE PLUM-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish REINE CLAUDE PLUM-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Lidded Jam Pot RED CURRANT And PIPPIN APPLE-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Lidded Jam Pot RED CURRANT And PIPPIN APPLE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Bell 1992 RHODODENDRON BoxPortmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Bell 1992 RHODODENDRON Box
Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish ROMAN APRICOT-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish ROMAN APRICOT-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Flan Dish 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN ApplePortmeirion Pomona Flan Dish 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN Apple
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate ROCK ROSE NewPortmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate ROCK ROSE New
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 14 Inch DOG ROSE-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 14 Inch DOG ROSE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden SHADOW BOX 25th Anniversary - RARE!-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden SHADOW BOX 25th Anniversary - RARE!-SOLD!
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser Or Llanelli NAPKIN RINGS Set Of 2Portmeirion Welsh Dresser Or Llanelli NAPKIN RINGS Set Of 2
Portmeirion Pomona Trinket Box Enamel Small Round CLAUDE PLUM-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Trinket Box Enamel Small Round CLAUDE PLUM-SOLD!
SOLD Botanic Garden Salad Plate HYACINTH Newer VersionSOLD Botanic Garden Salad Plate HYACINTH Newer Version
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple AccenPortmeirion Pomona B And B Plate L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple Accen
Portmeirion Pomona Bread Crock RAISIN DE CARMES - Most Rare Item-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Bread Crock RAISIN DE CARMES - Most Rare Item-SOLD!
Portmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot Large VICTORIAN TEA TABLEPortmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot Large VICTORIAN TEA TABLE

Sub-Total: $1,093.00

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