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  Product Stock Qty Price
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Porringer Bowl 8 Inch CITRON CITRUSPortmeirion Botanic Garden Porringer Bowl 8 Inch CITRON CITRUS
SOLD Botanic Garden Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch CITRONSOLD Botanic Garden Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch CITRON
Portmeirion Pomona Shell Dish BIGGERRAUX CHERRY Brown IDPortmeirion Pomona Shell Dish BIGGERRAUX CHERRY Brown ID
Portmeirion Pomona Salad Plate RED CURRANTPortmeirion Pomona Salad Plate RED CURRANT
Portmeirion Pomona Lidded Jam Pot RED CURRANT And PIPPIN APPLE-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Lidded Jam Pot RED CURRANT And PIPPIN APPLE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Coffee Pot Large GRIMWOODS ROYAL PEACHPortmeirion Pomona Coffee Pot Large GRIMWOODS ROYAL PEACH
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 7 Inch ROCK ROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 7 Inch ROCK ROSE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Romantic 7 Inch SPANISH CISTUSPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Romantic 7 Inch SPANISH CISTUS
Portmeirion Pomona Flan Dish 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN ApplePortmeirion Pomona Flan Dish 11 Inch INGESTRIE PIPPIN Apple
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Lidded Sugar Pot DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Lidded Sugar Pot DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Soup Tureen Ladle DAISY RHODODENDRONPortmeirion Botanic Garden Soup Tureen Ladle DAISY RHODODENDRON
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Cheese Dome 11 Inch CHRISTMAS ROSE-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Cheese Dome 11 Inch CHRISTMAS ROSE-SOLD!
Don Roth Blackhawk LAST SPIN Champagne Flute PairDon Roth Blackhawk LAST SPIN Champagne Flute Pair
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Set Of 6 BLACK GROUND - RarePortmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Set Of 6 BLACK GROUND - Rare
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Thimble Collector Club DAISY Gold BndPortmeirion Botanic Garden Thimble Collector Club DAISY Gold Bnd
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pitcher Or Water Jug 1.75pt DOG ROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Pitcher Or Water Jug 1.75pt DOG ROSE
Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch HOARY MORNING APPLE A-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Fruit Bowl 5.5 Inch HOARY MORNING APPLE A-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Canister PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR Large 8 Inch-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Canister PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR Large 8 Inch-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pin Dish 4 Inch DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Pin Dish 4 Inch DAISY
Portmeirion Pomona Cup And Saucer Set Of Four RARE WILMOTS REDPortmeirion Pomona Cup And Saucer Set Of Four RARE WILMOTS RED
Don Roth Blackhawk Wabash COCKTAIL FORK 1960sDon Roth Blackhawk Wabash COCKTAIL FORK 1960s
SOLD Botanic Garden Tablecloth 60 Inch Square VARIATIONSSOLD Botanic Garden Tablecloth 60 Inch Square VARIATIONS
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Platter Oval 13 Inch DOUBLE CISTUSPortmeirion Botanic Garden Platter Oval 13 Inch DOUBLE CISTUS
Portmeirion Botanic Garden TABLE MAT 8 x 10 Set Of Six VERY RAREPortmeirion Botanic Garden TABLE MAT 8 x 10 Set Of Six VERY RARE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pedestal Stand 10 Inch WHITE CISTUS-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pedestal Stand 10 Inch WHITE CISTUS-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Shell Dish L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple AccentsPortmeirion Pomona Shell Dish L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple Accents
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pedestal Cake Plate CHRISTMAS ROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Pedestal Cake Plate CHRISTMAS ROSE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Four Squarel 5 Inch SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Four Squarel 5 Inch SPEEDWELL
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser APRON 100% Cotton - Mint!-SOLD!Portmeirion Welsh Dresser APRON 100% Cotton - Mint!-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish HOARY MORNING APPLE-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish HOARY MORNING APPLE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Butter Dish Square CYCLAMEN DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Butter Dish Square CYCLAMEN DAISY
Portmeirion Pomona Bread Crock RAISIN DE CARMES - Most Rare Item-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Bread Crock RAISIN DE CARMES - Most Rare Item-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish GRIMWOODS PEACH-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish GRIMWOODS PEACH-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 8 Inch MEXICAN LILYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Canton 8 Inch MEXICAN LILY
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser COASTER SET Of 6 BOXED-SOLD!Portmeirion Welsh Dresser COASTER SET Of 6 BOXED-SOLD!
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser SALAD BOWL 9 Inch-SOLD!Portmeirion Welsh Dresser SALAD BOWL 9 Inch-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Canister 7 Inch DOG ROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Canister 7 Inch DOG ROSE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate DAISY Unique! SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate DAISY Unique! SOLD!
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser Or Llanelli NAPKIN RINGS Set Of 2Portmeirion Welsh Dresser Or Llanelli NAPKIN RINGS Set Of 2
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pudding Basin Medium 1.45pt FIVE FLWRPortmeirion Botanic Garden Pudding Basin Medium 1.45pt FIVE FLWR
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden SHADOW BOX 25th Anniversary - RARE!-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden SHADOW BOX 25th Anniversary - RARE!-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Teapot 1.75 Pint BLUE PRIMROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Teapot 1.75 Pint BLUE PRIMROSE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden TABLE MAT 9 x 12 Set Of Four SetPortmeirion Botanic Garden TABLE MAT 9 x 12 Set Of Four Set
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser TABLEMAT SET Of 6 BOXED-SOLD!Portmeirion Welsh Dresser TABLEMAT SET Of 6 BOXED-SOLD!
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser STAFFORDSHIRE CREAM JUGPortmeirion Welsh Dresser STAFFORDSHIRE CREAM JUG
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Platter Oval 11 Inch SWEET WILLIAMPortmeirion Botanic Garden Platter Oval 11 Inch SWEET WILLIAM
Portmeirion Pomona Low Bowl 13 Inch AMICUA MELON - RARE!Portmeirion Pomona Low Bowl 13 Inch AMICUA MELON - RARE!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pedestal Compote 8 Inch HYACINTHPortmeirion Botanic Garden Pedestal Compote 8 Inch HYACINTH
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 10.5 Inch DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 10.5 Inch DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate MANCHINEEL TREE - Minty-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate MANCHINEEL TREE - Minty-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Trivet Melamine 9 X 8 Inch PRIMROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Trivet Melamine 9 X 8 Inch PRIMROSE
Portmeirion Harvest Blue SAUCER Only- Large Breakfast Cup Size-Only ONE left!Portmeirion Harvest Blue SAUCER Only- Large Breakfast Cup Size-Only ONE left!
SOLD Botanic Garden Pitcher And Basin Set VariationsSOLD Botanic Garden Pitcher And Basin Set Variations
SOLD Botanic Garden Pasta Canister 11 Inch CHRISTMAS ROSESOLD Botanic Garden Pasta Canister 11 Inch CHRISTMAS ROSE
SOLD Botanic Garden Wall Tile HYACINTHSOLD Botanic Garden Wall Tile HYACINTH
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate ROCK ROSE NewPortmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate ROCK ROSE New
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat 18 X 13 Cloth AZALEAPortmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat 18 X 13 Cloth AZALEA
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple AccenPortmeirion Pomona B And B Plate L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple Accen
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate SWEET PEA Rare SamplePortmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate SWEET PEA Rare Sample
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Crescent Dish DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Crescent Dish DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate Variations HONEYSUCKLEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate Variations HONEYSUCKLE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Plate 1998 PALE HONEYSUCKLEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Plate 1998 PALE HONEYSUCKLE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Punch Cup SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Punch Cup SPEEDWELL
Portmeirion Pomona Canister CERAMIC LIDDED CANISTER 5 Inch RARE!Portmeirion Pomona Canister CERAMIC LIDDED CANISTER 5 Inch RARE!
Portmeirion Harvest Blue Pedestal SORBET BOWL - Rare!Portmeirion Harvest Blue Pedestal SORBET BOWL - Rare!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat 17 x 11 DOUBLE MEXICAN LILYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat 17 x 11 DOUBLE MEXICAN LILY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Platter Oval 15 Inch DBL MEXICAN LILY-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Platter Oval 15 Inch DBL MEXICAN LILY-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Oval Baker 14 Inch WHITE CISTUSPortmeirion Botanic Garden Oval Baker 14 Inch WHITE CISTUS
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pedestal Buffet Stand DK HONEYSUCKLEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Pedestal Buffet Stand DK HONEYSUCKLE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish SPEEDWELL
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Coffee Cup Set 7oz SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Coffee Cup Set 7oz SPEEDWELL
The Blackhawk SALAD DRESSING Available At Local Chicago StoresThe Blackhawk SALAD DRESSING Available At Local Chicago Stores
Portmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot Large VICTORIAN TEA TABLEPortmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot Large VICTORIAN TEA TABLE
Portmeirion Queens Hidden Garden Large Coffee Pot DAISY-SOLD!Portmeirion Queens Hidden Garden Large Coffee Pot DAISY-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Romantic 8 Inch CHRISTMAS ROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Vase Romantic 8 Inch CHRISTMAS ROSE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 14 Inch DOG ROSE-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 14 Inch DOG ROSE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Canape Set 25th Anniversary Set BOXED-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Canape Set 25th Anniversary Set BOXED-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Au Gratin Baker 13 Inch SWEET WILLIAMPortmeirion Botanic Garden Au Gratin Baker 13 Inch SWEET WILLIAM
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Plate 1998 HONEYSUCKLE BoxPortmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Plate 1998 HONEYSUCKLE Box
SOLD Botanic Garden Dinner Plate DARK HONEYSUCKLE 2SOLD Botanic Garden Dinner Plate DARK HONEYSUCKLE 2
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Platter Oval 11 Inch HYACINTH - New!-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Platter Oval 11 Inch HYACINTH - New!-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Rolling Pin MANCHINEEL TREEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Rolling Pin MANCHINEEL TREE
Don Roth Blackhawk 1942 REPLICA DINNER MENU 80th Anniv. Set Of 4Don Roth Blackhawk 1942 REPLICA DINNER MENU 80th Anniv. Set Of 4
Portmeirion Pomona Pin Dish GRIMWOODS PEACH Mint-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Pin Dish GRIMWOODS PEACH Mint-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Canister QUEEN OF SHEBA GOOSEBERRY 5 InchPortmeirion Pomona Canister QUEEN OF SHEBA GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tea Bag Holder SPEEDWELL New!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tea Bag Holder SPEEDWELL New!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Mustard Pot SPEEDWELL-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Mustard Pot SPEEDWELL-SOLD!
Portmeirion Welsh Dresser SERVING TRAY Large 17 x 12 Inch-SOLD!Portmeirion Welsh Dresser SERVING TRAY Large 17 x 12 Inch-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish REINE CLAUDE PLUM-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish REINE CLAUDE PLUM-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat Variations CHRISTMAS ROSEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat Variations CHRISTMAS ROSE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat Variations DBL MEXICAN LILYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Tablemat Variations DBL MEXICAN LILY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Sifter Or Shaker DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Sifter Or Shaker DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Flan Baker 10 Inch MEXICAN LILY SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Flan Baker 10 Inch MEXICAN LILY SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate RED PEPPERS Some WearPortmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate RED PEPPERS Some Wear

Sub-Total: $4,252.00

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