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  Product Stock Qty Price
SCRATCH and DENT Welsh Dresser Tall One CANDLESTICK 9 InchSCRATCH and DENT Welsh Dresser Tall One CANDLESTICK 9 Inch
Portmeirion Pomona Vase Canton 5.5 Inch L'IMPERATRICE PLUMPortmeirion Pomona Vase Canton 5.5 Inch L'IMPERATRICE PLUM
Portmeirion Pomona Coffee Pot Large GRIMWOODS ROYAL PEACHPortmeirion Pomona Coffee Pot Large GRIMWOODS ROYAL PEACH
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Bell 1995 HEARTSEASEPortmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Bell 1995 HEARTSEASE
Portmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot One Cup VICTORIAN TEA TABLEPortmeirion CARDEW Pomona Teapot One Cup VICTORIAN TEA TABLE
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Butter Dish Square CYCLAMEN DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Butter Dish Square CYCLAMEN DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate ROCK ROSE NewPortmeirion Botanic Garden Salad Plate ROCK ROSE New
Portmeirion Pomona Mocha Cup Set RED CURRANT 3.5ozPortmeirion Pomona Mocha Cup Set RED CURRANT 3.5oz
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup Tall Shape FRUIT GARLANDPortmeirion Pomona Egg Cup Tall Shape FRUIT GARLAND
Portmeirion Pomona Sifter Or Shaker RED CURRANTPortmeirion Pomona Sifter Or Shaker RED CURRANT
Portmeirion Pomona Egg Cup WILMOTS And SHEBA GooseberryPortmeirion Pomona Egg Cup WILMOTS And SHEBA Gooseberry
Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish GRIMWOODS PEACH-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish GRIMWOODS PEACH-SOLD!
Portmeirion Birds Of Britain Shell Dish BLUE TITMOUSEPortmeirion Birds Of Britain Shell Dish BLUE TITMOUSE
Portmeirion Pomona Melamine Casserole Stand 11 By 8 RED CURRANTPortmeirion Pomona Melamine Casserole Stand 11 By 8 RED CURRANT
Portmeirion Pomona Salad Bowl GRIMWOODS PEACH 9 Inch w HAZEL NUT-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Salad Bowl GRIMWOODS PEACH 9 Inch w HAZEL NUT-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Traditional Tea Cup Set TEINTON SQUASH PEARPortmeirion Pomona Traditional Tea Cup Set TEINTON SQUASH PEAR
SCRATCH and DENT Botanic Garden Fruit Drainer FOUR FLOWERSSCRATCH and DENT Botanic Garden Fruit Drainer FOUR FLOWERS
Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona B And B Plate PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Lidded Jam Pot RED CURRANT And PIPPIN APPLE-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Lidded Jam Pot RED CURRANT And PIPPIN APPLE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Tray Melamine 12 Inch PIPPIN APPLEPortmeirion Pomona Tray Melamine 12 Inch PIPPIN APPLE
Portmeirion Pomona Spice Jar HAZEL NUT - Very Unique And Mint!Portmeirion Pomona Spice Jar HAZEL NUT - Very Unique And Mint!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden BLUE TEA SET Teapot, Sugar, And Cream-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden BLUE TEA SET Teapot, Sugar, And Cream-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Canister QUEEN OF SHEBA GOOSEBERRY 5 InchPortmeirion Pomona Canister QUEEN OF SHEBA GOOSEBERRY 5 Inch
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Oatmeal Bowl PURPLE IRIS BPortmeirion Botanic Garden Oatmeal Bowl PURPLE IRIS B
Portmeirion Pomona Cream Jug Or Pitcher ROMAN APRICOTPortmeirion Pomona Cream Jug Or Pitcher ROMAN APRICOT
Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Crescent Dish PRINCESS OF ORANGE PEAR-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Pin Dish GRIMWOODS PEACH Mint-SOLD!Portmeirion Pomona Pin Dish GRIMWOODS PEACH Mint-SOLD!
Portmeirion Pomona Shell Dish L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple AccentsPortmeirion Pomona Shell Dish L'IMPERATRICE PLUM Purple Accents
Portmeirion Ladies Flower Garden SWEETS DISH 6 Inch NewPortmeirion Ladies Flower Garden SWEETS DISH 6 Inch New
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pin Dish 4 Inch COTTON FLOWER-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pin Dish 4 Inch COTTON FLOWER-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Pudding Basin Medium 1.45pt FIVE FLWRPortmeirion Botanic Garden Pudding Basin Medium 1.45pt FIVE FLWR
SCRATCH and DENT Botanic Garden B And B Plate CYCLAMEN ASCRATCH and DENT Botanic Garden B And B Plate CYCLAMEN A
Portmeirion Lemon Grove NAPKIN RING PAIR Set Hand PaintedPortmeirion Lemon Grove NAPKIN RING PAIR Set Hand Painted
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Fruit Cradle 9 Inch AZALEAPortmeirion Botanic Garden Fruit Cradle 9 Inch AZALEA
Portmeirion Botanic Garden BONSAI GROWING KIT Very Unique!Portmeirion Botanic Garden BONSAI GROWING KIT Very Unique!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 10.5 Inch DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 10.5 Inch DAISY
Portmeirion Weeping Hearts Dinner Plate Botanic Garden VARIATIONPortmeirion Weeping Hearts Dinner Plate Botanic Garden VARIATION
Portmeirion Compleat Angler Fish Wall Tile WELSH SEA TROUTPortmeirion Compleat Angler Fish Wall Tile WELSH SEA TROUT
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Crescent Dish DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Crescent Dish DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Water Jug 1.75pt Variations SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Water Jug 1.75pt Variations SPEEDWELL
Portmeirion Compleat Angler Fish Wall Tile GILLAROO TROUTPortmeirion Compleat Angler Fish Wall Tile GILLAROO TROUT
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Trivet Felt Back 6 Inch DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Trivet Felt Back 6 Inch DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tea Bag Holder SPEEDWELL New!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Tea Bag Holder SPEEDWELL New!
Portmeirion Compleat Angler Fish Wall Tile SALMONPortmeirion Compleat Angler Fish Wall Tile SALMON
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Set Of 6 BLACK GROUND - RarePortmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Set Of 6 BLACK GROUND - Rare
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Sifter Or Shaker COTTON FLOWER SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Sifter Or Shaker COTTON FLOWER SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish COTTON FLOWERPortmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish COTTON FLOWER
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Punch Cup SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Punch Cup SPEEDWELL
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Thick 4 Inch SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Coaster Thick 4 Inch SPEEDWELL
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Cheese Dome 11 Inch CHRISTMAS ROSE-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Cheese Dome 11 Inch CHRISTMAS ROSE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Bell 1998 CROCUS SNOWDROPPortmeirion Botanic Garden Christmas Bell 1998 CROCUS SNOWDROP
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Sifter Or Shaker DAISYPortmeirion Botanic Garden Sifter Or Shaker DAISY
Portmeirion Botanic Garden SHADOW BOX 25th Anniversary - RARE!-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden SHADOW BOX 25th Anniversary - RARE!-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish SPEEDWELLPortmeirion Botanic Garden Shell Dish SPEEDWELL
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 14 Inch DOG ROSE-SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Wall Clock 14 Inch DOG ROSE-SOLD!
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Thimble Collector Club DAISY Gold BndPortmeirion Botanic Garden Thimble Collector Club DAISY Gold Bnd
Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate DAISY Unique! SOLD!Portmeirion Botanic Garden Dinner Plate DAISY Unique! SOLD!

Sub-Total: $2,039.00

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